Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Disqus ~ The Computery

Some of you may have noticed that my
comment section looks different.
I had Disqus installed a few weeks ago.

I can't decide if I like it or not.
The jury is definitely still out.
The one thing that is driving me crazy is the email notification.
I get emails when someone comments from Disqus (pronounced Discuss)
but there is no link to the commenter's blog or blog profile.
It is making commenting more time-consuming than usual and definitely frustrating.
And let's face it, no one needs more frustration in their life.

So I need to decide what to do.
If I can't get things figured out I think I will just delete it.
Chalk it up to trying something new that didn't work out.
I'll let you know if I say...

One more thing...
I found a blog called The Computery.
It's run by a woman (yea!) named Susie Jefferson.
It's amazing...and a must-see for new bloggers.
I wish I would have seen this blog months ago.

Actually there were two more things...
If you haven't entered my giveaway
PLEASE click the Blue Hydrangea on my sidebar.
Time is running out!

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